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Myanee • 10 months ago

phantom solitaire / tena sorimura has been such an interesting funny character omg😭 second fave character right after sayo 🦈

Looks like they are introducing vampires in the after credits scene?

Bob • 10 months ago

Yeah, Solitaire is the best character in this show. He keeps the comedy rolling.

OfficialDrixMalone • 10 months ago

You actually laugh from him??

dispersian • 10 months ago

its a giggle or a smirk for me. the end when lemmings reached out to him, and hes all caught up in the momment with the mystery hands. but it was lemmings, hes like " you.... not so much, good bye " lawl

Meroko Yui • 10 months ago

He's not funny but plays Phantom Thief. Used the term Akechi in a previous episode which is the protagonist of The Fiend with Twenty Faces story in Japan and reoccurs so much in anime and games. I'd say he's a charismatic villain.

Also I'd just forget that previous comment of that guy. There's always one of those people. LoL.

OfficialDrixMalone • 10 months ago

Oh ok, gotcha, since I found it hard to believe that so many people were actually laughing out loud aha.

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 10 months ago

For me he just makes me cringe.

Thotsallowed • 10 months ago

Dude not funny at all. I did laugh if he's suddenly killed in a way that's ridiculous but it's not that kind of anime

Furry Slayer • 10 months ago

Seek therapy.

Thotsallowed • 10 months ago

Sorry, I was careless. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

Gustav Kuriga • 10 months ago

I think they meant because you stated you'd only find it funny if he died.

Thotsallowed • 10 months ago

Woah! Looks like someone else was hurt. Double careless of me. So so sorry to you too. Gotta remember not to throw salt. So many wounded in here.

Furry Slayer • 4 months ago


Gustav Kuriga • 10 months ago

You lack a sense of humor then.

Thotsallowed • 10 months ago

Okay sir Lord overseer of other people's sense of humour. How about you mind your humour and I mind mine. Pretty sure you're the first person. Get over it.

The Birth of Ecstasy • 10 months ago

It's funny because you're a hypocrite, you're bashing people for finding a character funny that you don't like. But when people bash your sense of humor it's suddenly not cool. I can tell you're a zoomer.

Thotsallowed • 10 months ago

Please look up the definitions of words before you use them so you don't start off a retort seeming dumb. I don't even need to reply to you because if you were capable of some independent thought, you'll know that you're referring to yourself. I don't mind though but you seem to be under the delusion that I care. Like the original person I was addressing has done, Move on!

The Birth of Ecstasy • 10 months ago

You legit just tried using somewhat big words (honestly not even that smart) and put them all in a sentence to make it seem like you're in the right, when in fact you ARE hypocrite by definition and my position on that will not change no matter how much you try to act like a tough guy behind your computer screen. Farewell and go fuck yourself you dumb ass kid.

Thotsallowed • 10 months ago

I couldn't read past the first four lines(I'm responding through disqus small notification box and can't open to see the rest of potential garbage). After reading that you saw 'big words', your vocabulary range must be pretty low. But since you're so pressed and finding it difficult to move on, I am going to apologise for unsettling you so much. Okay? Does that make you feel better? I hope you find some other peaceful endeavour instead of crying hard over spilt milk. I said what I said. If I had known you would be so upset about it, I would not have said it so please please rest, I can't promise but I will try my best not to upset you again.

The Birth of Ecstasy • 10 months ago

That was a whole lot of copium thanks moron, so anyway you don't matter to me in the slightest and if you died no one would care.

Thotsallowed • 10 months ago

You did not have to sink into a gutter and resort to this kind of language. You're so fragile, you're making me feel like a bully. If I did not matter, you should never have engaged me. All this hate can't be good for you. Don't get so worked up over a simple disagreement on opinion. I need to remind myself that not everyone is mentally and emotionally mature to handle disagreement in a proper manner. Take care of yourself.

Thotsallowed • 10 months ago

Really sorry I triggered you into a state of spitting hate.

The Birth of Ecstasy • 10 months ago

No I'm just an asshole, you didn't need to say anything at all and I would have found someone else to insult.

Thotsallowed • 10 months ago

Nahhh you're not. At end of the day, I like death play and I think you like it too. All disagreements should be seen as friendly barter and I unfortunately like to argue my convictions due to my profession and personality. But when the dust settles, I don't care anymore. So don't be supprised if you find this annoying person responding to your comments in the future.

UDontSay • 9 months ago

Normal Human : He is funny
Idiot : He is not funny
Normal Human : No dude he is funny
Idiot : LoL you are overseer of other people sense of humor

Thotsallowed • 9 months ago

Okay clap for yourself since it looks like you feel you have achieved something important. Take this achievement badge too. One must always encourage people esp the kids to speak even when they have nothing to say. So go on my dear.

omegalord777 • 5 months ago

replying to a necro, yes i know. but still, i can't help but wonder why people like you exist...

no, i'm actually dead serious. can you try to help me understand? people spell things out with clear precision, so you attempt to insinuate or muddy the waters because you can't win an argument. you attempt to fabricate an illusion of superiority that can never succeed in withstanding even the slightest amount of scrutiny. it's as if you truly DO think that the majority of people are stupid enough to fall for it, instead of just avoiding you because they know there's no point in trying to deal with you.

the only person you are truly impacting in any significant fashion to any notable degree is yourself. you are aware of that, right? why don't you actually bother trying to refine your approach towards others or your conduct in order to make yourself genuinely appear to be half as capable as you want to pretend to be? i'm just being honest when i say that it doesn't take anywhere near as much effort as your wasting on things like this...

...as i said before, i'm actually dead serious. i don't understand people like you, i can't comprehend it. can you explain to me what kind of motivation it is that drives you to sabotage yourself to such a degree? spending so much time trying to reinforce an illusion rather than simply BECOMING the person you want to pretend to be... i just don't get it.

Thotsallowed • 5 months ago

Sorry I won't waste a breath reading that. My care ended 5mths ago.

omegalord777 • 4 months ago

except you did. why bother replying to say your not going to reply? what reason compells you to need to brandish your refusal to care like a weapon? does it prove something? i'm trying to understand what people like you think when they consistently display their own incompetence, ineptitude and inexperience making irrational and illogical focus points formulated into a structure that is designed to undermine other peoples arguments or sentiments.

i'm being serious, the only thing your proving is that you seem to think that as long as you refuse to admit fault you can simply pretend the other person is an idiot and it will all work out in the end. news flash: it doesn't, and it's far more effective at undermining yourself rather than others.

but i want to believe that the necessary prerequisite intellect required to even manage such a pathetic attempt at fabricating such an illusion of superiority... would simply make the truth all too obvious to such people, so i can't understand the motives or reasoning behind it. that's why i asked, because there has to be some form of compulsion that drives you to feel the necessity to make arguments in a desire to prove a falsehood in order to avoid accepting an inconvenient truth.

too many people in this world think in such a manner, and since i cannot understand or comprehend it i cannot understand how to conduct myself around such people. in this day and age, that's not a very good thing as it leaves me excessively vulnerable as i can't figure out how to talk sense to someone determined to condemn any perspective, argument or ideology that undermines their personal world view.

choosing to avoid recognizing something doesn't reduce or diminish it unless you can get a majority of the vocal minority to share your view, and the only reason that typically happens is due to this mentality of "if i attack or ridicule someone enough, eventually they will give up. and then i win because i can say whatever i want about them once they stop replying."

i'm sorry, but i'm not so easily discouraged. and i want to figure out what i'm supposed to do to avoid having people like you sabotage my life, because i've had to deal with too many of them IRL who did just that when i was young and naive and thought that dialogue is an effective tool for resolving misunderstandings. it's hard to talk sense to someone who's only interested in proving you lack any. i don't draw attention to your deliberate ignorance or refusal to assess the perspectives of others because i want you to accept your incompetence or ineptitude. i bring it into focus because i want to try to understand why people act in such a manner when they should be intelligent enough to KNOW the only person they are actually sabotaging is themselves.

also, you already replied to a lengthy post to say you weren't going to bother "wasting a breath reading it". you don't waste breath reading, only replying. that's precisely why i stated that you already did. it would be rather foolish to try to play a losing card twice.

Thotsallowed • 4 months ago

Just move on and find peace with whatever it was I said eventhough you hate it so much.

Thotsallowed • 4 months ago

Aiyaiyai. Your comprehension skills are very low. Try reading slowly word for word. I did not read the long text. I never said anything about not replying only I don't care enough to read the long text. Go and understand yourself before you break down trying to understand another person coz it's obviously too hard for you. And yeah I could not go pass the first five lines dumb dumb. Thanks for the love letter. Can't believe someone sat down and typed that. Professor Dumbudumb.

omegalord777 • 4 months ago

*sigh* okay... let's try this your way.

i'll make this simple for you: you can choose to cut the bullshit, treat this like an actual discussion and take me seriously. or, you can choose to stop replying. there is no other choice, because the longer this goes on the worse it gets for you.

you seem to think you can either get me to make a mistake that you can capitalize on, or drag things out until i give up. i'm sorry to say, but your not capable of accomplishing either of those things. so if you want to continue i'd recommend you bring out an argument that makes you look better than a grade-school dropout.

Thotsallowed • 4 months ago

Why you so obsessed with me? Still not reading your essay.

omegalord777 • 3 months ago

lol, i never said you had to. what i DID say is that i'm not going to simply allow you to say whatever you like about other people and act superior towards them when your not even going to bother talking to them for any reason other than throwing insults. it's pathetic, shallow and showcases just how little confidence you have not only in yourself... but even your ability to undermine and insinuate towards the arguments of others.

i tried to approach you amicably so that we could have a discussion. but you just want to play pretend until i give up and leave. sorry, but as i said i'm not that kind of person. either commit to the discussion or give up on having the last word. those are your options

Thotsallowed • 3 months ago

You what? It's a new year and it's obvious you're immature so I'm going to end this ping with no pong by saying;

I was wrong for hurting your feelings so bad you've held onto a grudge for months while I forgot what I even did to you. However you're becoming pathetic and boring and I got to move away from last year's trash. Hurray! Take this medal, performance not good enough for a trophy but A for effort. Yay! Now off you go, giddy up. Take of yourself. Peace!

omegalord777 • 2 months ago

my god, i just can't leave you alone can i? i WILL give you credit for one thing... it takes a hell of a lot of insecurity to be willing to commit to that act for so long. how about you stop trying and come clean? at this point, it's become nothing more than a rather tiring case of "i know that you know that i know exactly what your doing. but you know that i know you know that, and your perfectly aware that i know you do. as you ALSO are painfully aware that neither of us will stop until the other gives up, you should be aware that we are both operating under the principle of he who laughs last is the victor."

...unfortunately, that's not my objective. the reason is simple: you've projected traits and characteristics onto me which don't exist. i just wanted to have a bit of fun putting you on the spot and seeing if you had enough maturity to at least attempt to discuss things like a grown, mature 4 year old (not many 4 year olds can claim to be grown or mature. but since i have known several, and was once one myself i can state without any uncertainty that YES a 4 year old can show more tolerance and willingness to attempt the action of understanding others than most adults are capable of. that of course includes me in the present context more than 25 years later, as well as you). you've done a splendid job outing yourself, and it's clear for anyone to see which of us stands on a higher ground in regards to morality, intellect and maturity. i think i'm done here, you are now in the top 3 for idiots i've wasted time on in the last 5 years. that deserves congratulations, because i waste a lot of time on a lot of people. the reason is because i desire the type of gratification that can only come from either learning something new myself, or helping someone else do the same.

sure, that means i deal with people like you from time to time. that's simply a neccessary sacrifice. i was hoping you could move past yourself by now, and i truly am quite disappointed that you feel the need to embarass yourself to such an extent. but i know you likely don't care in the slightest about that, so i can't say that i'm surprised. but i truly was hoping you could be better than this, and i truly am dissapointed. i wanted better from you.

OfficialDrixMalone • 10 months ago

Thought I was the only one, I haven't laughed once from him smh.

Thotsallowed • 10 months ago

Shhh don't say that. There people here who find just switching on a light bulb hilarious

Oviej • 10 months ago

Light bulb funny moments

Dokkæbi • 9 months ago

if anything, he's annoying af. I havent giggled once let alone laugh from his scenes.

Itinerate • 9 months ago

Anime comment sections amirite?

Fruit punch samurai • 2 months ago

Buggy of DMDP

Rustin Landis • 10 months ago

Isn't Misaki like a zombie with growing vampiric qualities? Totally a malkavian too.

Alex Tallmadge • 10 months ago

Well Misaki is overdue for an upgrade, hint.

she get upgraded/evolved.

Meroko Yui • 10 months ago

He said he could evolve her into something else. A vampire was an option. A tree is pretty random and makes sense for her. As for his master can only assume she's Kuraki. The one who gave him a room but who knows.

WorldGN18 • 10 months ago

I don't think he is my favorite but he does the comedy role perfectly

Dazed • 9 months ago

He's an exposition machine. He can show us sides of this conflict the MC hasn't been acquainted with yet. Allows us to much better understand the bigger picture and the movements of each faction involved.

Truly unique what he makes possible as an unaffiliated character purely searching for the existence of magic.

Dbz Directioner • 10 months ago

I agree. He was clearly the best character in the show.

Abyss Fenrir • 10 months ago

Bruuuuuh!! What's next is soooo hype!! It's an amazing lore dump!! I can't wait for October!